Faulty Hardware Or Cracked Screen: This Thrifty And Nifty Store On Brigade Road Will Fix All Gadgets

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The go-to tech and gadget store for years, Glasgow Computers will fix you up with new and old geeky stuff, be it NVIDIA cards or second-hand console games.

What Makes It Awesome

While some may scoff and snort at this, I know most will secretly count the number of time Glasgow Computers has saved their lives — from the days of TDK D 90 cassettes to the latest NVIDIA graphics card. Tucked away in the basement of Curzon Court Complex, below the adidas and Proline and beside Melting Moments, this nifty store is packed to the rafters with all things tech and geek. No, really! From PlayStation, Xbox and Wii consoles to the most simple computer mouse or the most complex for that matter, these are your go-to guys. While some may worry about authenticity, I’ve never had a problem as all the products have always come with warranty and they’ve followed through on the promise.

SkullCandy earphones, Sennheiser noise cancelling headphones, laptop coolers, flash drives, pen drives, hard disks, wires, cables, UPS systems, super high-end card readers, and even one-off quirky devices like USB-powered mini fans and lights, it’s a real treasure trove! Oh, and don’t even get us started on the shelves of video games. Halo, BioShock, Portal, ProEvo, Guitar Hero, Assassin’s Creed, Devil May Cry… the list is endless. And the best part? There’s a few second-hand ones which go for absolutely knock off rates.

Yes, we can! So it’s not only the fact that you can get stuff which you could only find on a foreign Amazon that will keep you coming back, it’s the fact that they will repair stuff for you in a jiffy (OK, maybe sometimes it takes a while, but you know!). When other stores (we’re looking at you, you official dealers of phones, computers and TVs!), will turn you away with a pamphlet for a new gadget as your old one ‘cannot able to be repaired’, these chaps will pull out every trick in the book to salvage your device — they know the love one has for old merch, you see. And we love them for that. Go on, take out that ridiculously old Atari set or those dinosaur Walkmans from the 90s and see if you’re not using it like it’s brand new, once they’re done with it!


It's best to take your device straight to them and see what they can do rather than elaborate and fruitless conversations on a call. There's hardly any parking on Brigade Road, so use the Metro to get here. 


Part-time writer and full-time dreamer. If you love coffee, travel, books, hikes and hot chips, we'll get along just fine!