Casual Tees Or Formal Shirts, You Are Definitely In Store For A Treat Here

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What Makes It Awesome

In the entrails of Royapettah, after a long walk through the bustling streets, you'll find this apparel store for men that will totally make it worth your time. From cray denim shirts to funky colourful ones, your mind will be blown here. It doesn't stop there, one look at the rates will make your eyes fall out for how cheap and affordable the apparel is at D Style Men's Wear.

One look around the store and you will get a sense of how many options they have here. From polo tees to casual ones, we guarantee you'll like the designs and prints they have to offer. At D Style Men's Wear you'll find some fun casual shirts too that will definitely make that statement for you. They keep formal shirts for those days when you have to get down and suit up too. Their formal wear is smart and on point and will make sure you grab the attention.

D Style Men's Wear even offers jeans and trousers that we know you'll take home. With a range starting at INR 600, these pants are worth much more than what they look to be. With awesome cray corduroys to a collection of plain but eccentric coloured pants, this store is for you to bring out that inner fashion enthusiast without hesitation. They also have a funky collection of belts and wallets for those super smart days when you just can't help but show off.


If you are looking for me, I'm probably under a tree looking out onto the mountains.