Shampoo, Cigarettes, Pizza: Get It All 24/7 At This Golf Course Road Shop

10330 Interested |

What Makes It Awesome

This place is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and it's super stocked! From packaged snacks to chocolates and candy and a little section for toiletries because you could need shampoo at 2am, add hot dogs, fries, biryanis and pizzas that are heat and serve and that's the ultimate 24x7 store!

Oh wait, they have bakery stuff, cold pressed juices and for balance, ciggies too!

What Could Be Better?

Considering it's super new, it could be a newbie hiccup but the staff could be better trained.

What's My Pro Tip?

They have vegan rice milk, amazing stock of imported chocolates and kettle chips too.

Anything Else?

Erm, it's all day, errday and it's snack heaven! This is at the Golf Course Road.

Chef & Mommy! Personal Mantra: eat, run, repeat 💪🏼