Dabble With Travel Writing, Screenplays & Haiku At This Creative Writing Course

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If you’ve been contemplating taking up writing as a profession {high five!}, British Council offers short term courses for creative writing, which can give you some direction.

Write The Right Way

Haruki Murakami, JK Rowling, George Orwell, Oscar Wilde—these names almost invoke a sense of reverence in us. While the whole world is out dealing with the ‘real’ world, we, instead, choose to immerse ourselves in a world imagined by these creative geniuses. If you feel similarly, there’s a good chance that you dream of being a writer yourself one day.

If our guess is right, a writing course may not be a bad idea. And the one offered at British Council is a good place to start with.

Welcome To The World Of Words

Before you sign up for the course, you’ll need to give a test; don’t worry, it’ll be supremely basic, just to test your grammar, punctuation, and understanding of the language. Once you clear that, the course starts with two classes per week spread over a total of eight weeks—ask for timings to make sure the classes don’t come in the way of your daily life.

Short stories, fiction, news reporting, travel writing, poetry, and script writing—you’ll touch upon many aspects of writing, which will help you figure out where your strengths lie.

Get Into Discussions

The best thing about these classes are the interesting discussions and debates that take place. You get exposed to a whole lot of ideas and suggestions that you may not have even heard about. The teachers all come trained from reputed organisations around the world and make the classes rather fun and interactive.

Where: British Council, 17, Kasturba Gandhi Marg

Price: INR 13,000 – 14,000 {for an eight-week course}

Check out the schedule for upcoming sessions here.


An urban yogini with a serious fetish for yoga, wholesome living, and homegrown indie brands.