#FutureForward: Catch Head of Brand Marketing at LinkedIn India Discuss Marketing 101!

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#FutureForward: Marketing 101 and Hybrid Marketing!

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Please click the link below to join the webinar:

https://upgrad.zoom.us/j/92255996525?pwd=MDJiSnh1ei9GY0VoQVh4ZEZra0pOdz09%3C/a%3E%3C/p%3E%3Cp%3EPasscode:&utm_source=LBB&ref=lbbpost 407956

Since 2020, the world has come to a standstill, and while the pandemic continues to bring out an environment of constant change and uncertainty, there are those who have managed to stay consistent and strong through it all. These are stalwarts from India Inc who have dealt with it like any other crisis - with ease, precision and finesse. So we along with the folks at upGrad are giving you a chance to learn from their experience. Think crystal-ball gazing into what skills you would need to make a mark in the next decade, think webinar and think...#FutureForward. 

This 6-part series will introduce you to some of India’s leading experts in the field of business and technology. Discussing everything under the sun related to marketing and AI to how brands have been leveling up during this troubling time, you can hear it all here! Our host for the series is Varun Duggirala, co-founder and content chief at The Glitch, one of India's leading new-age creative agencies. He will be seen talking to leaders of the present about the ideas of the future. 

The panels are different for each session, and for this one, our guest is none other than Sivaram P, Head of Brand Marketing at LinkedIn India. The biggest recruiting and professional networking platform, we’ve all been on LinkedIn. Who else better to take us through this concept of hybrid marketing? Just a 101 for people who are unaware of what hybrid marketing is, it’s a combination of traditional marketing and digital marketing. The rest, you can learn about in this upcoming session, so whether you’re looking to venture into digital marketing, or are looking for new ideas sign up now!

Fascinated by new-age marketing techniques like hybrid marketing? Visit upgrad.com and explore online programs in data science, technology, management, and more to gain specialised professional skills! The best part - you can pursue these online.


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