Watch Plays & Attend Poetry Recitals At The OddBird Theatre & Foundation

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What Makes It Awesome

The artist fraternity can twirl their moustaches in glee and the audiences can now reach out for their best hats… We’ve found a fashionably run-down version of a performance art theatre that’s a refreshing respite from the cold, far-removed world of Kamani Auditorium.

This decidedly experimental space is where artists can languorously sip chai (as they practice their monologues) and have meaningful conversations with like-minded peeps over the week, and host performances over the weekend.

The intention behind the space is to allow audiences to witness a performance more closely and intimately. This is why it accommodates no more than 100-120 people, all of whom can enjoy a medley of dance, theatre, music and other performing arts. The cosy nook is every theatre-lover’s dream with its metro connectivity, rugged white walls and sunny interiors that makes it so inviting and yet lends it a (snoot) value that every budding artist invariably likes.

So, all those who’ve felt wistful about friends and relatives abroad enjoying plays in the park with peanut butter sandwiches can now get their fill of performance art at OddBird Theatre. Tickets for most performances here can cost your around INR 500 and up, which we think is decent (and art is priceless anyway!).