We Used This Brand's Cold-Pressed Coconut Oil For Cooking & Loved It

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Puvi Cold Pressed Oils

What Makes It Awesome

We'd been looking for cold-pressed cooking oils for a while now and when we came across this online brand called Puvi Oils, we were quite happy with our discovery. Of course, then we HAD to try it.

Taking orders via Amazon, Puvi has cold-pressed coconut oil, groundnut oil, and sesame oil. While three of these oils have different characteristics, we really wanted to try their coconut oil. Coconut oil is not just well suited for cooking but it also works super well on your skin and hair when applied externally. Made with no preservatives and absolutely chemical-free, we loved its flavour and aroma. Best thing is that this one could even used for deep frying (isn't this one a healthier alternative?). Oh, and just in case you are someone who is following a keto diet then this would be super helpful too considering it can be used in place of butter and consuming coconut oil is known to increase ketone levels (amazing, right?).

Coming over to prices, their 1L bottle is priced at INR 490 which we thought isn't bad at all. 


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