All's Fair In Loaf And War: Sibang Bakery Sparkles In Gurgaon

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What Makes It Awesome

We walk through South Point Mall, looking around for Sibang, the Korean bakery we have heard so much about. Like all good bakeries, we smell it before we see it.

Heavyset wooden tables line the right side of the long, rectangular space. On them is displayed every type of baked treat we could hope for. Eyes rush over croissants, bagels, doughnuts, tea cakes, sandwiches, cookies and biscuits, pies and much, much more. At least twice we saw customers walk in and buy 10-15 loaves of bread or buns at a time. The rest stopped by for a bite and a coffee, and we recommend you do the same.

We grab an Apple Pie and Salami & Cheese Sandwich to start with. The sandwich was fresh, the kick of the strong cheese complementing the salt of the dry salami and crunch of the lettuce. The pie was divine, crunchy on the outside and a perfect mix of sweet and tart on the inside.

Our food gone, we looked around in dismay till we locked eyes with a sausage Danish, calling out to us across the smooth floor. A few minutes later, it was paid for and in our bellies.

While sipping on a strong and flavourful cappuccino, we saw one of the waitresses carry out a mammoth bowl of fresh, mixed fruits topped with an ice flake sorbet (pretty much scoops of ice cream). The sheer size of the dish caught the eye. This is Bing-Su, a dessert Sibang offers in Red Bean and Coffee flavours. We watched on sadly, wishing we hadn’t filled our bellies so quickly.


Aditya is an avid devourer of football, food and convoluted stories. He also enjoys nondescript clothes and loud voices.