Yadav Collection


At Yadav Collection you can find super pretty tops, jackets and cropped shirts with vibrant digital prints on them. How we think you can take advantage of shopping at this store is if you have a party you're organising and you're looking for return gifts; then you can buy an entire packet of 6-7 shirts (of course you'll have to factor in the size differences) for gifting. Or even if you want to buy identical shirts for you and your home team, this is the place to shop from.

Price: INR 200 and above for a single piece. 


Two Things; 1.) I like to think I live life with rose coloured glasses on, but really they’re black, and I can’t see a thing. (And to be honest, that helps in unseeing the humongous sattire and mess the world is). 2.) Mostly fumbling and staggering through life as gracefully as I can, with an occasional glass of wine here and there.