Cheer Up A Rubbish Day With These Sassy, Fun {And Rude!} Notebooks

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Nothing cheers up a rubbish day like some jolly stationery. Curry Mag’s collection has just the right amount of wit to make your day. And they make for great gifts too.

The Covers Have Sass

There’s nothing that beats the excitement and possibility a new notebook brings and these sassy ones from Curry Mag are definitely our fave, plus they’re a darn sight lighter to carry around with you. Plain old notebooks are boring, so stop being boring and get a new journal to write in from this fantastic collection! We love the sassy, flippant charm of the messages on the covers.

The notebooks make a statement and stand out from the crowd. Or you can just piss off some people without actually being rude!

They will surely unleash your creativity and make you {and others around you} laugh a little! Some of these can be great gifts for your bae or BFF – like the Fries Before Guys. And the one with a bunch of gals hanging out in the loo. The Yaas Queen notebook had us giggling with delight.

And Some Are Retro

You can use them to take notes at work or college. They are the perfect tool to put your ideas on paper, or even to create lists of things you need to get done.

If you want to surprise a friend or get creative and give a birthday gift that is both thoughtful and fun, pick from these. Write stories or just make a dream journal – the possibilities are endless.

From The Stables of Curry Mag

Shreya Dalmia of Curry Magazine is behind these notebooks and has been churning out cleverness in abundance. As the site says, “These babies are perfect for to do lists, rants, notes. Gift them to a friend, or pamper yourself this weekend. Go on, you deserve it!”

And Here's Where You Can Get Them

The notebooks are selling like hotcakes at Sienna Cafe & Store in Hindustan Park. And also at pop-ups like CalBunka. Go grab them!