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Located in a small town of Garhbeta in the West Midnapore district, Gangani is known as the Grand Canyon of Bengal. It’s a fascinating gorge made of red soil on the banks of River Silabati. Years of soil erosion by wind and the river have carved and chiselled the gorge into a row of jagged cliffs peppered with white sandbanks, making it look uncommon and exceptional. You can easily descend down the canyon with the help of a staircase recently built by the state government. While the top portion of the gorge is made of red soil, as you go down the hue changes to yellow. If you want amazing pictures of the canyon, be sure to visit it either during early morning or late afternoon when the sunlight is mellow making the gorge glow like gold. Interestingly, according to local folklore, this canyon was the abode of the demon Bakasura who was later killed by Pandava Bhima in a ‘earth-rattling battle’ that resulted in the formation of this terrain. Avoid going to Gongoni during winter holidays because the place is filled with noisy picnic crowds.

Distance From Kolkata: 133 km.

Driving Time: 4+ hours.