Stepping Out For Emergencies? Here Are 3 Essentials You Can’t Miss!

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Linc Pentonic Finger Free Touch Device

Linc Pentonic Finger Free Touch Device

With the ‘new normal’ setting in, stepping out for emergencies has become inevitable. But it’s still necessary to take precautions and be extra cautious. There are so many things you need to keep in mind, even if it’s just to withdraw some cash or purchase groceries. We made a checklist of 3 essentials for you so you can save this and keep a check each time you step out. Let’s see what they are!

Mask It Right!

Number 1 essential of this pandemic season- mask! Not only is it important to buy a good mask, you also need to ensure you are wearing it the right way. The Linc Care K-N95 CE approved, non-woven masks provide great coverage for your face, safeguarding parts such as your mouth and nose so that you remain as safe as possible and keep others safe too!

Sanitizer To Keep The Germs Away

Needless to say, carry a small or big bottle of sanitizer (depending on the duration you’re stepping out for). There could be instances where you don’t have the option to wash your hands. In this case, your safest bet will be to use sanitizers. 

Pentonic Finger-Free Touch Device

Whether it’s pressing the lift button or touching ATM machines - coming in contact with another surface takes you closer to catching the virus. Pentonic has launched a Finger-Free touch device that is portable and acts as an extension of your index finger. This 70% ethanol-based retractable marker uses refillable cartridges and each contains 4gm of medical ethanol which disinfects the surface. All you need to do is remember to carry it wherever you go and use this device to touch surfaces!
Remember to keep these things handy whenever you step out and safeguard yourselves from catching the virus.


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