Meet Fellow Travellers On This Website And Explore The World Together

The information in this post might be outdated


We think you should know about WetravelSolo, a travel website made for those who like to explore the world one place at a time, on their own.

What Is It?

A venture started by Shefali Walia, WeTravelSolo is a platform where you can plan a solo trip, meet fellow solo travellers, share unique travelling ideas or explore your city through one-day excursions.

How Does It Work?

Almost like a social network for those with wanderlust, it connects people from across the country and helps them plan a sabbatical or a short trip to the mountains {or elsewhere}. Not limited to India, there are international trips too. Want to go to Adaman but can’t get yourself to do it? Hit up WeTravelSolo and you might bump into someone and join them. A great way to meet new, probably like-minded people WTS can be a lot of fun if you’re open to change are not too fussy about travelling on a budget.

You can also become a trip-crafter with them if you’ve had enough experience travelling and can chart out trips for fellow travellers.

So, We're Saying...

Sometimes trios are about finding oneself or about completely losing yourself and surrendering to the place you’re at. We Travel Solo has got to be one of the best platforms for you to start doing either if them.