Make The Most Of Lockdown & Take Up These Online Courses For Free

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During this lockdown, there are tons of activities that we are doing. Right from cleaning up our spaces to pursuing hobbies, there is a lot on our plate. Adding a new feather in hat is always a good idea and we found these three portals that will let you take up various courses for free. 

Guru 99

Guru 99 is a global portal for courses ranging from tech to website designing. You have to sign up and choose from their free course catalogue. After verifying your account, they start providing video lessons for the same. They have video teaching sessions after which you are awarded a certificate. Check their site to know more about their tech courses..


Tech geeks, learn about coding and all computer programs from Skillzcafe - an online website that imparts technical knowledge for free. It is a learning platform that connects world-class instructors with curious minds. They bring the best online courses at your fingertips for free. Some of their popular certificate courses include Java tutorials for beginners, MySQL for beginners, C++ tutorials, Android 4.0 training course.


Everybody loves YouTube and cannot get enough of its content. Well, did you know it has so many tutorials ranging from arts and crafts to cooking to tech courses for free. Learn the basics of computer languages or guitar lessons or even foreign languages. Music lovers should tune into Tutorials by Hugo who imparts excellent piano lessons.


Another online learning platform, Udemy has a range of courses that spread across various industries and specialties. From learning Photoshop, video editing, photography, digital marketing, basic coding, Udemy has courses across categories. You'll find something under tech, business, music, health and fitness, academics, lifestyle, design and more. They have several offers too on their website, so constantly check for when courses are the cheapest.


More relevant with academics, but Corsera is a renowned platform if you want to take up a short course. The best bit? You can sign up for free or paid courses across from universities abroad and in India. And, get a degree or certificate at the completion of the course too. Of course, these courses are more intense and require learning, assignments and quick tests too. But, the website is great for those looking to add an extra certificate to their resume. 

You can choose from categories like data science, finance and business, arts and humanities, computer sciences, social sciences, languages and more.


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