Makeup Artist Samaira Sandhu Tells Us Everything About Airbrush Makeup

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Not very long ago, man invented another beauty tool that might or might not have left a considerable dent in the makeup industry — the airbrush makeup machine or gun. It has become a staple in every makeup artist's vanity and has become a choice over normal makeup especially for special occasions like weddings. Few people understand airbrush makeup as well as they should, so join us as we decode it!

As far as we know, it's a makeup technique that involves spraying makeup onto the skin, as opposed to traditional makeup, which is applied with various tools (blenders, brushes, or even fingers). But that wasn't enough for the ever-curious beauty fanatics in us, so we called in the experts.

Samaira Sandhu is a household name in the bridal beauty industry; if you're a bride-to-be or an avid follower of bridal makeup artists, you are already aware that Samaira is at the top of the makeup scene and is every bride's dream. So, we asked Samira about all one needs to know about airbrush makeup before booking a glam sesh and here's what we got:

What Is Airbrush Makeup

Samaira says, 'Airbrush makeup is the makeup sprayed onto the skin using an airbrush machine instead of being applied with sponges, brushes, fingers or other methods. A typical airbrush makeup system uses a compressor to create air flow through a hose, connected to a trigger controlled spray-painting gun.' So basically, you pour specially-formulated liquid pigment meant specifically for airbrush makeup into the machine whose compressor sprays air through the paintbrush gun, which then nebulizes the paint and distributes it finely. The end result is a seamless lightweight finish with great longevity. Since airbrush makeup stays put for a longer duration of time (if we compare it to your normal beat face), it is a hit choice among brides who want to enjoy their wedding functions without having to worry about touch-ups.

Airbrush Makeup vs Normal Makeup: What's The Difference

Normal makeup is our usual routine where you put on your products manually—so, your concealer, foundation, contour, bronzer and so on, you know the drill. Samaira says, 'Normal makeup is the application which involves applying the product manually with either a brush, sponge or even your fingertips whereas in airbrush makeup, there's no human touch involved. There's just a machine that spays on very michronised particles of specialised foundation and other pigments that deliver a fine mist for a thin layer of minimal makeup. It is a myth that airbrush makeup is thick and water resistant; instead, airbrush makeup is much softer than your manual high-definition makeup.'

Pros And Cons of Airbrush Makeup

According to Samaira, the pros of airbrush makeup are:

'Since there's no manual application or human touch involved, it's very hygienic. Additionally, as no makeup brushes or sponges are required to blend the makeup, there's hardly any chance of bacterial infections. Also, this removes any hesitations you might have about the brushes or sponges being clean since the makeup is being sprayed out of a nozzle.'

Cons of airbrush makeup:

'When you spray on airbrush makeup to the skin, it gets fixed so you cannot touch it up or fix any errors which you are able to do when you are doing normal makeup by blending'.

Is Airbrush Makeup Suitable For All Skin Types?

If you have extremely dry to dry skin, then definitely skip airbrush makeup as it won't provide your skin enough hydration. The particles might even cling on to the dry patches which is not a great look, especially when you are paying someone your precious money to do your glam. However, if you have normal to oily skin, then airbrush makeup might be the thing for you since it doesn't move so you won't face the usual fading or melting of foundation that tends to happen with your usual makeup. Also, if you have blemish-prone skin then definitely give airbrush makeup a miss as it won't provide enough coverage.

What's The Verdict?

Since airbrush makeup sprays a fine mist of makeup pigments with very little downplay, there's not much room for correcting any errors which only means that you should only be getting it from a pro makeup artist who is well-experienced in this area. Also, since it gives soft, light coverage, it's more favourable for people who have mimimal skin concerns (like acne, sun spots, pigmentation, large open pores or texture). Nonethless, it is super long-lasting which is a big pus for Indian weddings with their never-ending functions. We asked Samaira as to when she opts for airbrush makeup for her clients and she says, 'I prefer airbrush makeup for brides who have made up their minds and want their makeup to last throughout the night or for body painting for a seamless finish. Airbrush makeup comes in extremely handy for editorial fashion looks that require using stencils for creating patterns on the face during fashion shows so all your half and half face painted makeup looks or other effects.'


An opinionated Gen-z beauty enthusiast who knows about a beauty product even before it goes viral. Oh, also loves all things food and matcha. With over a year of experience in content, watch this space for the best recommendations :)