Here's Everything In Store For Your Love Life, Career And Finances In August!

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Strap in for an interesting couple of month with Venus retrograding from 23 July and Mercury retrograding again starting 23 August. But not all is lost, even during these challenging times, good things are coming to us all. Check out what's in store for your love life, your career and your finances, and just the general vibes in August based on this month's tarot pull. 


Theme: Commitment, Opportunity, Stability

If you've felt uncertain lately, it's time to recognise your strength and confidently make decisions. Try to express your feelings calmly while showing understanding towards others. This is an excellent time to commit to a real and lasting relationship, whether starting or already established. You can expect exciting opportunities this month, but be aware of potential challenges or negative influences. Maintaining balance in your professional interactions and being mindful of your resources is important. You will soon experience a more stable and peaceful work environment. Take practical and calculated steps towards advancement whenever possible.

Monthly Guidance: Prioritise emotional well-being and cultivate harmonious relationships. Seek fulfilment and joy within your connections, creating a supportive and loving environment for yourself and others.


Theme: Decisions, Collaboration, Insecurity

August ushers a time of exciting opportunities, strategic planning and decision-making in your career. It is a great time to embark on new ventures, harness your skills and talents, and achieve professional success. You'll make meaningful connections and collaborations that can lead to successful partnerships and financial gains. However, at the beginning of the month, you may feel insecure or isolated in your relationship. But don't worry; with support from your partner, you'll overcome these challenges. The month, overall, promises emotional fulfilment and contentment in relationships. This is also a time to transition and let go of old patterns that no longer serve you.

Monthly Guidance: Create a harmonious and abundant environment, celebrating meaningful connections with your loved ones.


Theme: Heartbreak, Conflict, Disillusionment

This month, you might experience heartbreak and emotional pain. Be aware of unhealthy patterns and resist temptations that can harm your relationships. Communication may be difficult, and conflicts could arise. You might face significant obstacles and challenging experiences in your love life. With Mercury retrograding in Virgo, focus on resolving lingering relationship issues and healing past wounds. You may also encounter financial strain and feel stuck or unfulfilled at work. If you're experiencing disillusionment, it may be time to move on from unsatisfying situations. Remember that these challenges are temporary and can lead to growth. Take a proactive approach, seek support, and consider new paths to overcome these difficulties.

Monthly Guidance: Embrace this time for self-reflection and inner wisdom, finding the answers and guidance you seek within your own self. 


Theme: Love, Growth, Learning

You will feel a heightened connection with your partner, fostering love and understanding. If you're in a new relationship, you may face a decision about the future that causes inner conflict. In this situation, it's important to trust your intuition and make the decision that best serves you in the long run. This month presents opportunities for growth and learning in your professional life, curiosity, and creativity. Additionally, your financial ventures are poised to flourish, so trust your abilities and let your passion guide you towards success.

Monthly Guidance: Trust your intuition and look inward. Listen to your heart and be guided by your feelings.


Theme: Transformation, Renewal, Breakthrough

Leos can expect a positive and transformative journey this month. Trust your intuition and inner wisdom to gain a deep emotional understanding. Overcome any limiting beliefs or fears that may be hindering your love life. Release the past to make room for growth and renewal in your relationships. For singles, be bold and explore new connections, as love may be waiting for you. The cards indicate a time of inspiration and hope, leading to renewed motivation and success in your professional pursuits. You are getting closer to achieving your career goals. Positive changes and opportunities are coming, bringing unexpected breakthroughs in your financial ventures. However, with Mercury retrograde, you are advised to avoid impulsive spending. 

Monthly Guidance: Carefully assess the choices and seek clarity before making decisions. Follow a balanced approach to navigate through uncertainty with wisdom and understanding.


Theme: Nurturing, Proactivity, Collaboration

You will exude warmth and support, comforting those closest to you. Being a dependable and caring partner can help your relationships flourish and grow stronger. Devoting time and energy to nurturing these bonds and building deeper connections with loved ones is important. If you're dating, asserting your boundaries and protecting what's important to you may be necessary. Taking a proactive approach and being open to taking risks can help you achieve success in your career. You'll find that people are more willing to collaborate with you and lend a helping hand. To make the most of your financial resources and investments, apply your strategic thinking skills, but be careful not to be too reckless.

Monthly Guidance: Celebrate life's joys and find gratitude in the present moment, experiencing a sense of inner satisfaction and happiness.


Theme: Romance, Hope, Miscommunication

In August, your romantic relationship is likely to experience positive changes. This may result in profound commitment and even marriage with your partner. New initiatives are expected to bring great rewards and happiness into your life. For those currently single, there is hope for a renewed sense of optimism and the possibility of attracting someone's attention. However, you may encounter frustration due to an unexpected setback or miscommunication in your work life. Despite this difficulty, your perseverance and strength will guide you towards finding solutions in unexpected places. Although the situation may be challenging, this month presents an opportunity for significant improvements in your career and financial situation. Remember, everything will work out in the end!

Monthly Guidance: Cultivate compassion and intuition, making decisions based on empathy and understanding in your relationships and interactions.


Theme: Confidence, Connection, Rewards

This month, you may notice a boost in confidence and assertiveness. Your charm and magnetic personality will attract new and interesting people into your life. It's important to build strong and meaningful relationships with those you meet. You can create powerful connections and exciting opportunities by being honest with your emotions. While your professional life is looking up, you must brace yourself to take charge of several crucial projects. With careful planning, your finances are expected to multiply. You may encounter a challenging situation at work, but do not fret; these minor setbacks should not discourage you. Ultimately, the rewards will be well worth your effort and persistence.

Monthly Guidance: Open your heart to love, understanding, and shared emotions, fostering a meaningful and balanced relationship with others.


Theme: Support, Spontaneity, Delays 

Your love life will be filled with deep emotional connections and heartfelt gestures, fostering a sense of security and support in your relationship. Shared experiences and mutual understanding will bring you joy. Add an exciting touch to your love life, surprising your partner with spontaneous expressions of love and appreciation. However, you may experience emotional turbulence and hidden obstacles at work, making it difficult to see the path ahead. Fears and doubts may cloud your judgment, leading to hesitancy in making important career decisions. This could be a period of slow progress and delayed rewards, leaving you frustrated and questioning your efforts. With Mercury retrograde in Virgo, avoid conflicts at work and be mindful of misunderstandings. Revisit career goals and make necessary adjustments.

Monthly Guidance: Cultivate a nurturing and compassionate approach in all aspects of life, fostering meaningful connections and personal growth.


Theme: Challenges, Frustration, Wisdom

In your professional life, this month brings a challenging transition that may cause uncertainty, slowing your progress. Obstacles might hinder your advancement, leading to frustration and setbacks. Despite the difficulties, trust in your inner strength and resilience to navigate through tough times. You can overcome these obstacles and grow amidst adversity with a proactive and patient approach. Meanwhile, this is a time to focus on commitment and spiritual connection in your relationship. Embrace the wisdom of tradition and shared values, fostering a deep and meaningful bond. Cherish the light-hearted and joyful moments that come your way.

Monthly Guidance: Trust your instincts, take charge of your goals, and inspire others with your fiery spirit and determination.


Theme: Isolation, Disagreements, Dishonesty

You may feel isolated or overlooked by your partner. There could also be conflicts arising from miscommunications or impulsive actions. Exercise caution and pause before you respond or react to avoid unnecessary disagreements. This month brings forth a sense of coldness or detachment in your interactions. Even your professional environment is marked by conflicts and competition. It's essential to be assertive but strive for cooperation instead of unnecessary clashes. Beware of manipulative tactics or dishonesty from others at work, and trust your instincts to protect yourself from deceitful influences. With Mercury retrograde in Virgo, you are advised to revisit past projects and explore new spiritual practices. Be careful while communicating in intimate relationships.

Monthly Guidance: Celebrate life's joys, find gratitude in the present, and experience inner satisfaction and happiness.


Theme: Excitement, Obstacles, Patience

Get ready for an exciting and transformative experience in your love life! You'll have the opportunity to establish comfort and security in your relationship. Although some changes may be ahead, do not worry; they will be positive, and you can adapt. Setting emotional and physical boundaries is vital, and you may have to make some compromises. Be open to experiencing deep satisfaction with your partner. However, be prepared for potential obstacles and setbacks in your work that may make you feel disheartened. Seek support, reassess your strategies, and adjust to the circumstances. With patience and a proactive mindset, you can overcome these challenges and emerge even stronger in your work and financial pursuits.

Monthly Guidance: Leave behind what no longer serves you to find deeper spiritual fulfilment and emotional growth.


An intuitive Tarot reader with 8+ years experience & 2k+ clients worldwide, I believe in the transformative & decision making strength Tarot entails.