Everything You Need To Know Before Your First Brazilian Or Bikini Wax Experience

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Contrary to most relationships between mammals and body hair (which is healthy, and considered essential for warmth and protection), humans have always put body hair, especially female body hair under the purview of scrutiny. As you grow up, the choice of shaving, or waxing almost seems to be a mandate, than a choice, perceived as unfeminine or unhygienic (which is the far from the truth). The decision to have body hair, or not is totally up to you, and there should be no reason other than personal preference that should lead to any decision. That being said, if you do prefer to get rid of your body hair, there are plenty of safe methods available in the market, waxing being the choice of around 84% of women. It is lasting, cost-effective, and reduces hair growth over time.

And although most of us are aware of the nitty gritty of waxing, there is a huge gap of information around Brazilian or Bikini wax, which remains an awkward, hush-hush topic for many, not knowing whom to consult without the fear of judgment. So, we are taking up that role of a friend or maybe a non-judgemental parlour aunty, and imparting our expert knowledge on everything you need to know before you have your first bikini wax experience.

The Preparation

Leading up to your appointment, you should start exfoliating the area and stop the shaving altogether. We recommend that you let the hair grow for at least 10-15 days, or even a month depending on your growth as it will ease up the process. 

For the day of your appointment, make sure you take care of the following points, for a smoother experience.

1. It's just good practice to clean the area beforehand, although this will be done again by the professional during the appointment. Your usual intimate wash should be enough.

2. Don’t use any kind of lotions, creams, or oils before the appointment, as the wax won't be able to perform its job if it's too oily.

3. Make sure that you do not consume any alcohol and limit the amount of caffeine, as the consumption of both results in tightening or clogging of the pores, which could affect the process.

4. Make sure that you are wearing loose and breathable clothing for the appointment, to prevent any irritation or friction later on.

5. Have a good chat with your personnel, and try to create a relaxed environment for yourself. Have them walk you through the entire process – any expectations or any questions you might have, ask and have them answer for you.

6. Enquire about the sterilisation of their tools, and make sure they are medically sterilised, and that the establishment is using a fresh bottle of wax every time, as otherwise, it could lead to infection and irritation.

During The Session

As aforementioned, make sure you have a proper chat with the professional, and understand the whole process, talk about what you can expect during, the pain levels, the redness, and the aftercare, and make sure you are in a relaxed state.

There are two kinds of wax – hard and soft wax – and for this procedure, we highly recommend the hard wax. This kind does not stick to the skin and just sticks to the hair, making sure that there is no damage caused as the skin in the bikini area is sensitive. You can also ask for a stress ball if you need something to hold on to, and try to put your mind at ease.


Aftercare is crucial after this procedure, and here are some of the most important things to take care of.

1. Avoid heat, sweat, and tanning for at least 24 hours. You shouldn’t go to a gym or a sauna, as the most important thing is to make sure that you give a good amount of time to your skin to just breathe.

2. It is recommended to use an exfoliator after 24 hours of the service, this is extremely important to avoid any in-grown hair.

3. Make sure you keep up with the procedure and go back as per the needs of your hair growth cycle, so that with time the thinning of hair follicles can take place and it can be less and less painful with each time.

4. You can also book a Vajacial service, after one to two weeks of the waxing session. This treatment prevents discolouration and in-grown hair, you can discuss it with the professional as to when and how you should go about it.

5. After you exfoliate, you should also use an in-grown hair treatment oil, which again helps with in-grown hair. Your consultant will easily recommend one.


What's the difference between Bikini Wax and Brazilian Wax?

Bikini wax is a term used for removal of hair outside the panty lines. So it covers hair growth removal on inner thighs, and between the panty line and the navel. This is ideal for those who wish to wear shorts or swimming costumes but want to keep their bases covered. Brazilian wax, on the other hand, covers the entire pubic region.

Does pubic hair have a purpose?

Pubic hair prevents STIs and UTIs by trapping dirt, infections, and bacteria; and produces an oil called sebum that prevents bacteria from reproducing. It also reduces friction during sexual activity.

Is pubic hair unhygienic?

Not at all, like any other hair on the body they also trap dirt and infections, but as long as you keep the area clean and wash it regularly, you are good to go. You don't have to get rid of pubic hair for health, hygiene, or medical purposes.

How many ways are there to remove pubic hair?

You can use trimming, waxing, shaving, hair removal cream, or laser hair reduction. Although, do perform a patch test when using hair removal creams.

Can I get Bikini wax on my periods?

No, you should not get a Bikini during your periods, and should also not take part in any sexual activity after the service for at least 24 -48 hours.

Can I do a Brazilian wax at home?

Absolutely not! You should go to an established centre, with committed and experienced professionals, and should definitely not try doing this on your own.

Can I expect any bleeding?

Though not that common, there are some cases where people have experienced bleeding, but that is also normal, as the skin down there is extremely sensitive.


A literature post-graduate, with over a year of experience in all things content, and loves writing about fashion, pop-culture, and academia.