March 2024 Is Giving 'Calm Before The Storm': Here's The Monthly Horoscope

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We're in the thick of Pisces season, in our feels, stream of consciousness journal entries in the notes app. But we're looking ahead to a season full of fire as Aries takes over. March is the last retrograde-free month of this year, so take this month to brace yourself for a long period of transitions and realisations. Here's your monthly horoscope for what might turn out to be a very significant month this year.


Theme: Romance, Dedication, Planning

Monthly Horoscope: March is exciting for you, with romantic vibes predicted to inspire a more open and expressive approach. Be ready to say goodbye to the frustration of repeated shitty first dates for an encounter or moment that will set your heart racing, paving the way for genuine emotional connections. At work, your dedication, attention to detail, and steady pace will drive you forward, brick by brick, towards your career goals. Ensure you remain consistent and patient, and success will inevitably follow. Financially, balancing your immediate needs and long-term priorities is paramount. Take the time to assess your situation and plan accordingly to secure your financial future.

Monthly Guidance: This month, channel your boundless energy into overcoming challenges. Your natural leadership and zest for life are your greatest assets. Bold actions and a pioneering spirit will solve problems and open new doors.


Theme: Opportunities, Connections, New Ventures

Monthly Horoscope: Taurus, March has a lot in store for you. It's giving main character coming of age vibes, and we love that journey for you. It's a crucial phase for your personal growth and opportunities. You're on the brink of a new chapter in your love life. Don't be afraid to open your heart to deep connections and explore your feelings. Nurture and cherish the bonds that come your way. In terms of your career, new ventures are on the horizon. You may face challenges, but your perseverance will lead you to success. You can also expect financial opportunities to come your way. Make the most of them and secure your future. However, amidst all these positive developments, don't forget to prioritise your mental health. If you feel overwhelmed, seek supportive conversations and care for yourself. 

Monthly Guidance: Flexibility is key for you this month, Taurus. Embrace change with open arms and adapt as needed. Your usual preference for stability might be tested, but remember that growth often comes from stepping out of your comfort zone.


Theme: Developments, Opportunities, Vigilance

Monthly Horoscope: Brace yourself, Gemini; March is a whirlwind of rapid developments and keen insights across all facets of your life. In love and relationships, expect swift changes that bring exciting encounters and dynamic conversations. Professionally, your curiosity and eagerness to explore new ideas will position you favourably. Your proactive attitude will uncover valuable opportunities, so be ready to act decisively. In all this madness, your health calls for vigilance; the fast pace of life may lead to stress if not managed properly. Prioritise mental agility over physical speed, ensuring you navigate this period's demands with clarity and foresight.

Monthly Guidance: Your gift of the gab is mighty this month, Gemini. Use it to mend fences, build bridges, and deepen connections.


Theme: Decision-making, Reflection, Enthusiasm

Monthly Horoscope: Love is in the air! March has arrived, and it's time for you to make some important decisions regarding your relationships. You must balance your emotions with practicality to make the right choices. Take some time to reflect deeply, and you'll navigate this phase with wisdom and grace. Meanwhile, your career prospects are looking impressive this month! You'll be brimming with enthusiasm and fresh ideas, which will help you propel forward in your job. Whether looking for new opportunities or promotions, now is the time to go for it. As for your finances and learning pursuits, you'll need to use your critical thinking skills and make fair judgments.

Monthly Guidance: Focus on nurturing your close relationships this month, Cancer. The love and support you give will come back to you tenfold. It's a time for emotional investments, showing appreciation, and strengthening bonds.


Theme: Misunderstanding, Energy, Hard Work

Monthly Horoscope: Get ready for a roller coaster ride this month! Misunderstandings and unmet expectations may strain your relationships, but don't worry; it's nothing you can't handle. This is a time for self-reflection and self-improvement, so take the time to work on yourself and cultivate patience and empathy. On the bright side, you are absolutely killing it at work (the Leo girlboss energy pays off)! You are full of energy, and opportunities are flowing your way. Your hard work is about to pay off, and you may even land that promotion you've been eyeing. Plus, your finances are set to grow with wise investments and careful planning. And let's not forget about your health! It's time to focus on positive habits and wellness, bringing you vitality and strength.

Monthly Guidance: Let your light shine, Leo. Your creativity and charisma are at an all-time high, making it the perfect time to take the lead on projects or in social settings. Inspire others with your confidence and joy.


Theme: Balance, Patience, Delay

Monthly Horoscope: This month, it's all about finding balance and taking a patient approach to your love life and career. This month, you might find yourself taking stock of your current relationship. It's essential to consider whether you're getting what you need and want from it. Remember to be kind and patient with yourself and your partner as you navigate these tricky waters. As for your career, some of your goals or projects may not pan out as expected, and that's okay. Keep an eye out for surprises or setbacks, and don't be discouraged if things don't go as planned. Additionally, be prepared for any potential letdown or betrayal by someone within your work circle.

Monthly Guidance: Your meticulous nature will serve you well in crafting a routine that enhances your productivity and overall happiness. Remember, a healthy body and mind are your most valuable assets.


Theme: Momentum, Commitment, Ideas

Monthly Horoscope: March will be an exciting month for you, filled with lots of momentum and breakthroughs in different areas of your life. Your love life will be on fire with a wave of determination pushing you to take the reins and steer your relationships towards more profound understanding and commitment. You'll also have a fresh project or job opportunity coming your way, and this is your chance to showcase your intellect and innovative ideas confidently. Your hard work will pay off, and you'll start seeing the fruits of your labour manifesting. If you want to improve your health, now is the perfect time to begin. Consider adopting new routines or activities that align with your personal goals and preferences through exercise, meditation, or nutrition.

Monthly Guidance: Strive for balance in all aspects of your life this month, Libra. Whether it's work-life harmony or finding equilibrium in your relationships, peace of mind should be your ultimate goal.


Theme: Stability, Romance, Challenges

Monthly Horoscope: Get ready to feel the mushy side of you you guard stronger than your entire life savings, Scorpio.You'll feel a new sense of warmth and stability that'll deepen your connections with your loved ones. And if you're single, get ready for some intense romantic energy. With your confidence and charisma, you'll be attracting meaningful companionship soon! Work might get a bit tough this month. Pressures will mount, and you might feel stuck in a rut. You may encounter differences with your colleagues and a lack of support, making things even more complicated. You need resilience and innovation to navigate these challenges and come out on top. Keep a close eye on your expenses because you might feel the pinch of unexpected costs or limited resources.

Monthly Guidance: March invites you to look inward. Reflection and introspection will uncover desires and goals that align with your true self. This deep dive into your psyche is about understanding yourself better and finding clarity in your path forward.


Theme: Reflection, Collaboration, Success

Monthly Horoscope: March is a month of reflection for you. It's natural to feel like you're focusing on what you've lost, but remember, there's always something to be grateful for. Take a moment to look beyond your feelings and recognise the opportunities for new connections and healing. In terms of your career, teamwork and collaboration are key this month. Your ability to work harmoniously with others and share your skills and knowledge will lead to success and mutual respect among your colleagues. Don't be afraid to engage with your projects fully; the collective effort will lead to notable achievements.

Monthly Guidance: Your adventurous spirit is calling Sagittarius. Feed your curiosity by exploring new ideas, places, or hobbies. This month is about expanding your horizons and embracing the unfamiliar.


Theme: Wholeness, Joy, Completion

Monthly Horoscope: In matters of the heart, you are on the cusp of realising a deep sense of wholeness and satisfaction. Relationships carefully nurtured over time may reach a point of sublime development, bringing a sense of joy and unity. As for your professional life, the foundations you have laid down will soon bear fruit as a celebration of achievements. Whether it is a promotion, the successful completion of a project, or recognition of your hard work, your efforts will pay off handsomely. However, your career may also be entering a transformative phase. It is crucial to embrace new challenges and to take bold steps towards achieving your goals.

Monthly Guidance: Discipline and goal-setting are your mantras for the month, Capricorn. Dedicate yourself to your ambitions with unwavering focus. The effort you put in now lays the groundwork for future success.


Theme: Harmony, Advice, Ambition

Monthly Horoscope: In March, you'll find yourself effortlessly nurturing your relationships and fostering growth and harmony at home. Your efforts in love will be fruitful and bring you  got a green thumb for love this month. Plan intimate date nights or cosy evenings that will make every moment memorable. You'll also be the calm in the storm at work, successfully navigating the office politics and team dynamics with ease. While you may not be making any bold moves this month, your ability to offer insightful advice and maintain peace will certainly not go unnoticed. Your energy and ambition will boost your career, making it the perfect time to pitch your innovative project or ask for more responsibility. Don't miss this chance and take the lead this month in your personal and professional life.

Monthly Guidance: Innovation is your theme this month, Aquarius. Think outside the box and challenge the status quo. Your unique perspective is needed to solve problems and make progress, both in your personal life and the wider community.


Theme: Opportunities, New beginnings, Recognition

Monthly Horoscope: No more emo days for you this month, Pisces. The currents of love flow with promise and potential. This period beckons with opportunities for deepening connections and fostering understanding in existing relationships. For singles, new prospects may appear that resonate with your soul, offering the chance for new beginnings. Your empathetic nature draws others to you, helping to resolve any lingering issues or misunderstandings. At work, your recent efforts are about to pay off. You may be in the spotlight, receiving well-deserved recognition from your superiors and peers. Your contributions, whether time, resources, or advice, make a significant difference. In situations requiring you to offer a helping hand or support others, know your efforts are valued and appreciated.

Monthly Guidance: Trust your intuition, Pisces. This month, your inner voice is a guiding light toward fulfilling experiences. Listen closely to your instincts when making decisions, navigating relationships, or pursuing creative endeavours.


An intuitive Tarot reader with 8+ years experience & 2k+ clients worldwide, I believe in the transformative & decision making strength Tarot entails.