Get Rid Of Acne: A Comprehensive Guide from a Dermatologist

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Acne is a common skin condition, and while it's not something to be ashamed of, I agree that it affects lots of individuals worldwide, causing distress and affecting self-confidence. The internet is filled with so much advice (mostly misleading) at this point that we thought it's best to reach out to a dermatologist about what acne really is and what the option are to treat it.

Dr Chytra is an internationally renowned celebrity cosmetic dermatologist. She is also the founder and chief formulator of Skin Q—a homegrown skincare brand that formulates products made with naturally found active ingredients, especially for Indian skin and skin of colour.

As our expert today, she tells us, 'Acne is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells, leading to the formation of pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and in severe cases, cysts and nodules. Acne or pimples is most commonly seen on the face, but it can also appear on the chest, back, and shoulders as well. This is one of the most common conditions seen in teenagers and now in adults due to diet, environmental changes and pollution.'

Types Of Acne And Grading

To really understand how to get rid of pimples, it's important to understand what you're dealing with. Dr Chytra enlightens us that acne can be classified into several types, each presenting distinct characteristics:

Comedonal Acne: Characterised by the presence of open or closed comedones (blackheads or whiteheads) without inflammation.

Inflammatory Acne: This type includes papules, pustules, and nodules, which are inflamed and often painful.

Cystic Acne: The most severe form of acne, characterised by deep, painful cysts and nodules.

This can be further graded based on its severity medically:

Grade I: Mild acne with minimal inflammation, consisting mainly of comedones.

Grade II: Moderate acne with more numerous papules and pustules.

Grade III: Severe acne with a significant number of inflamed papules, pustules, and nodules.

Grade IV: Extremely severe acne, featuring numerous cysts, nodules, and scarring. 

Common Triggers

Now, topical application of products might help in certain cases, but it's important to understand the root cause of what is triggering your acne to effectively get rid of acne. Understanding these triggers helps people manage and prevent acne better. The two main triggers, according to Dr Chytra are as follows:

Hormonal Imbalance: One of the common triggers for women is polycystic ovaries. 

Diet: Not having a properly nutritious diet is can also lead to pimples. Dr Chytra also mentions that Whey protein can be a trigger for people who are prone to acne.

Tips For Clear Skin

While we'd all like to know the secret of how to remove pimples overnight, that's only possible in the real world. Maintaining a consistent skincare routine is crucial for managing acne. Here are some helpful tips:

Cleanse Your Face Properly: Cleanse your face properly twice daily with a gentle, pH-based cleanser. Make sure that you spend a few minutes working the cleanser on your skin to get the best cleanse you can. Here are a few good ones to check out.

Keep Your Hands Off: Avoid picking or squeezing at the pimples, as it can worsen inflammation and lead to scarring.

SPF Protection: The benefits of sunscreen are just so many, the main one being that it protects your skin from the sun by applying sunscreen regularly. This will help deal with hyperpigmentation caused due to acne scarring. If you're looking for a good sunscreen, then we've got you.

Check Ingredients: Indian skin tones need a little more attention as it's prone to hyperpigmentation very easily. Whenever looking for a product, make sure that you're selecting NAFE-safe products (No Denatured Alcohol, No Fragrance and No Essential Oils) whenever you can.

Know When To See A Dermatologist: Acne over the age of 18 years or more than five breakouts per month requires medical attention, so seek a dermatologist consultation. Don’t try hacks as that can scar permanently.

Dos And Don'ts


Cleanse your face gently twice a day.

Wear sunscreen daily to protect your skin. 

Keep yourself hydrated. 


Don't pick or pop pimples.

Don't scrub your face aggressively.

Don't skip moisturising, even if you have oily skin. 

Don't overcomplicate your skincare because of trends.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can stress cause acne?
Stress can indeed worsen acne or trigger breakouts. When you're stressed, your body releases stress hormones like cortisol, which can stimulate the sebaceous glands to produce more oil. This excess oil, combined with dead skin cells, can clog pores and lead to acne. Additionally, stress weakens the immune system, making it harder for your body to fight off acne-causing bacteria. Therefore, managing stress through relaxation techniques, exercise, and a healthy lifestyle can help improve acne. 

Are all acne scars permanent?

Not all acne scars are permanent. There are two main types of acne scars: atrophic and hypertrophic. Atrophic scars are depressions or indentations in the skin, including icepick, rolling, and boxcar scars. Hypertrophic scars are raised scars that develop as a result of excessive collagen production during the healing process. While atrophic scars can be more challenging to treat, there are various treatment options available, such as laser resurfacing, chemical peels, Exosomes, soft-tissue fillers, fractional lasers and micro-needling, which can help improve the appearance of both types of scars. It's important to consult with a dermatologist who can assess your specific scars and recommend appropriate treatments. 

Can wearing makeup worsen acne?

Wearing makeup itself may not directly cause acne, but certain makeup products and improper use can worsen acne or trigger breakouts. Here are some tips to minimise the impact of makeup on acne-prone skin:

- Choose non-comedogenic products. These products are formulated to minimise pore-clogging and reduce the risk of breakouts.

- Avoid heavy, greasy foundations or products that contain ingredients like lanolin, isopropyl myristate, and mineral oil, which can exacerbate acne.

- Cleanse your face thoroughly before applying makeup and ensure you remove all traces of makeup before going to bed.

- Use a clean makeup brush or sponge to apply products, as dirty applicators can introduce bacteria to the skin.

- Consider using mineral-based or powder foundations, as they tend to be less occlusive and allow the skin to breathe.

- If possible, give your skin breaks from makeup to allow it to breathe and recover. 


Skincare junkie and enthusiast of hype culture, with 2 years of experience writing about food, fashion, lifestyle, culture & more.