I love luxury bags. Yes, that's my opening line for this piece because I am a Gen-Z who's truly, madly and deeply in love with designer handbags, and can't resist the urge to add every marvelous piece to my wishlist. But, if and when I snap back to reality, I must admit I do not have the means to own most of them out of my own pocket. At this point, 'I am just a girl' is the track playing in the background of my life with unwavering permanence. And that's where luxury bag rental services like Sanktum walk in, sweep the carpet off from under our feet and reveal a newer side of things that doesn't require just gushing over handbags anymore.
Sanktum follows a monthly-subscription based model wherein a person can rent a luxury bag (or two, depending on the package you choose) and even swap it for another one during this period. The Sanktum subscription provides its members with access to an incredible collection of authentic handbags from around the world with over hundred designer handbags including labels like Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Bottega Veneta, Chanel, Dior, Prada, Telfar, Sabyasachi, Loewe and Coperni among others.
All of these are brand new and personally bought by Sanktum's founders Anushi Patel and Rangoli Kute from boutiques across the world to ensure a good mix of styles for different occasions. The curation of bags, their sizes, colours and patterns are extremely spot on, so don't be amazed to find the most choicest of luxury bags here (looking at you, Goyard Saigon PM).