Gallery Sumukha presents “The Unity of Opposites"

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The show “The Unity of Opposites” by Tanya Mehta comprises a variety of works in New Mixed Media and uses poetry to further illustrate the concept. Coincidentia oppositorum or the coincidence of opposites relates to the notion of non-duality and exists in the studies of the metaphysical, scientific and philosophical. It defines a situation in which the existence or identity of a thing depends on the co-existence of at least two conditions that are opposite to each other, yet dependent on each other and presupposing each other, to form an endless loop. The show aims to explore the differences between human perception and reality through the understanding of these non-dual opposites. Discovering the oneness of things previously believed to be different is a kind of transcendence, and leads the mind down a path of realisation and questioning. Using portals, circular imagery and various looping mediums to depict the infinity of the universe around us, we explore the narrowness of human perception through what we define as opposites but are, in reality, unified. This consideration, in turn, links back to absolute and relative truth and and the role humans play in their definitions.

A pop culture enthusiast, this LBB Features Writer knows the lyrics to every chart topper since the 90s. Down for a Tarantino film binge any time, she goes on long runs and engages in an above average amount of DIY to feel productive. Loves pizza, hates planking.