The Spaceship Assignment, A Photo Workshop By André Lützen

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Event Info

German photographer André Lützen is conducting a two-day photography workshop with the theme to give space to a personal photographic view of surrounding life or intimate pictures. It questions photography as a document or as a memory. With this subject, it is possible for the participants to develop very individual perspectives or change their own perspective towards daily life. It can be pictures of their home, relatives, street or city where they live, or it could be, for example, that they are tired of plastic garbage – the reason they leave this world in search of a better one. The participants have 24 last hours on earth before they leave this planet for good on a spaceship. Each of them has the opportunity to take with them 12 pictures of their former life or what they want to remember and look at in space.

An Instagram-addict who’s also an aspiring chef, a foodie, and a comic book geek who binge watches The Simpsons every week.