Something's Brewing: This Cool Group Walks, Talks, Makes And Drinks Beer

The information in this post might be outdated


Bangalore Brew Crew – a community that eats, sleeps, makes, meets and naturally, drinks craft beer.

Lager Than Life

Who doesn’t want in on this group? It’s all about the divine brew called beer. And in a city like Bangalore, which you may have noticed is pretty gung-ho about anything barley and hops. But when the founders, Vivek Maru, Karthik Singh and Jens Joseph, kicked things off two years ago, things were a bit different. According to Karthik, he was looking to meet other home brewers, but the concept hadn’t yet kicked off in Bangalore. Luckily, when he went scouring the Internet for possible brewers, Vivek had set up a Facebook page, only days before, called Bangalore Home Brewers Association – perhaps the original avatar of the Bangalore Brew Crew.

Something's Brewing

The three of them met, discussed and created different kinds of beer, because the only way to taste new beer, was to make it! After all, they couldn’t really travel the world only tasting different brews. Thankfully for them and us, microbreweries caught on, and the concept of home brewing emerged in Bangalore. From simply answering queries about how to brew at home and reviewing other beers, they now come up with recipes {head to Arbor Brewing Company for taste of the Betel Juice beer, one these guys and the brewery partnered on} and consult on exotic creations.

Barley There

If you are a craft beer enthusiast too {not those pseudo bottled beer followers}, make sure to join the crew. It’ll make them very hoppy! From sampling the last experimental brews from fellow brewers to just guzzling the latest offerings from microbreweries around town, this clique will fuel your passion for the art of making beer! Currently they have only free meet-ups, but you must have a brew to share with the rest. So don’t think about going empty handed and mooching off the real scientists! Or at the very least, go with the idea that you’ll have something to show for the next meet up!

Join the Bangalore Brew Crew here.


Part-time writer and full-time dreamer. If you love coffee, travel, books, hikes and hot chips, we'll get along just fine!