Bangalore peeps the first Children's Lit Fest is here!

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What Makes It Awesome

Neev Academy Bangalore is hosting the first Literature festival for kids!!! Yay! Its a two day event on 15 th-16 th September, 2017 ; filled with lots of books and discussions centered around reading and writing. While the first day is an invite only event, the second day is open to public. The theme of this festival is "Love to Read, Read to Love"
Most panel discussions shall be similar to the format of TED talks.
Amongst others there are eminent authors like Sudha Murthy, Shyam Bhat, Maya Thiagarajan, Poile Sengupta, Ranjit Lal, Rasil Ahuja and the likes.
The open and friendly environment of the festival is aimed to encourage reading amongst kids and to also help them share learnings with eminent authors. Its a great place for budding authors too👍

What's My Pro Tip?

There are Book Reading sessions running throughout the day along with the various panel discussions on "Why Read" or "Writing for children"
There are also book stalls that shall be set up for children to buy books.
The list of Speakers

Anything Else?

Please refer to the program details on the lit fest link here. what you see?? Then don't forget to 'Register' for the event here:

The event is the first of its kind in Bangalore and happening inside the Neev campus, hence parking shall be limited. Better take a cab to get there.

Besides being a freelance marketing consultant I'm a shopaholic, self-proclaimed jewellery designer, hoarder and enthusiast. I love to travel to places where I can also explore the local markets, mostly on my own! Also a book worm 🤭 Do follow on insta @sparklesinmywardrobe