Tintin, Asterix, Famous Five Or Tinkle, This Cosy Home Library Is A Major Throwback

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In the small neighbourhood of Kaggadasapura lies Brainvilla, a library packed to the rafters with tomes and comic books, from Tintin to Star Wars.

What Makes It Awesome

A little home in Kaggadasapura with rooms full of books, Brainvilla is a library that you need to bookmark right away. With a vast collection of books across genres to pick up from, there’s something for everyone at this book nook. Walk in to rooms full of bookshelves featuring reads by authors like Paulo Coelho and Stephen King, and plenty of non-fiction tomes too, from self-help books to encyclopaedias. Make your way into each room and you’ll find more books in different genres. For instance, there was a room dedicated to Young Adult fiction, one dedicated to comics, one for childrens’ books and another for teen reads.

Perhaps our favourite of the lot was the comic book section, which featured gems like Phantom, The Adventures Of Tintin, Tinkle, Archie and Asterix. We also spotted a whole shelf dedicated to the Star Wars series which made the Star Wars nerd in us let out a squeal. Although the library has books for everyone, their collection of childrens’ books is probably the most extensive. Reminiscent of our school libraries, you can find those evergreen Ladybird books to push you down nostalgia lane, and racks of Enid Blyton’s many iconic book series from Famous Five to The Naughtiest Girl. We even saw a few Tell Me Why books that we used to spruce our GK with back in the day.


Some books are also on sale at very decent prices. 


A pop culture enthusiast, this LBB Features Writer knows the lyrics to every chart topper since the 90s. Down for a Tarantino film binge any time, she goes on long runs and engages in an above average amount of DIY to feel productive. Loves pizza, hates planking.