You Can Now Fly Directly To Pondicherry From Bangalore And It Takes Only 50 Minutes!

The information in this post might be outdated

No need to book your train in advance or endure a bumpy bus ride overnight to Pondicherry. Finally, there are direct flights to the seaside town, and it’s all thanks to SpiceJet. Kicking off operations on February 15, these flights take hardly 50 minutes on the 78-seater Bombardier. The flight gets you into Pondicherry at 10.30am and back to Bangalore at 12.10pm, making it rather easy to just skip out on a Friday morning {surely HR understand the need to go to Pondi}, and then get back in time for a half day of work on Monday, or if HR doesn’t understand, then Sunday!

If you need some cajoling to go to Pondicherry, we’ve got six reasons to convince you. There plenty of shopping, cafe hopping, and unique stuff to check out there, so make sure you head off soon. Oh, and if you’re wondering where to stay, we’ve got everything from an old French villa and a hostel made from shipping containers to a guest house with perfect views and a swanky resort, for you to choose from.

Currently, return tickets cost approximately INR 4,000 or less. Buy your tickets here.


You may take longer to get to the Bangalore airport, but that is not included in flight time! Perhaps get a helicopter taxi to the airport to make things easier!


Part-time writer and full-time dreamer. If you love coffee, travel, books, hikes and hot chips, we'll get along just fine!