This City-Based Site Will Sort You Out With Chic And Customised Modular Interiors

The information in this post might be outdated


A website that will help you redo your kitchen and other interiors {including wardrobes}, will jazz up your house with the click of a mouse button.

What Is It?

A site that curates home modular furnishings, this one brings you designs from Bangalore-based home interior start-ups. And check it out at your own risk as they offer customised services as well. This means that you might want to revamp your entire home! While they mostly sort you out with pre-fabricated pieces, they even do entrance managements which means you don’t need to worry about security. Plus, lighting stuff to make it all look amazing in the spot light. Some of their partners have USP’s like waterproof kitchens, carcassless kitchens, and fire retardant kitchen shutters, so feel free to ask and get expert advice if you’re unsure.

Who Is It For?

Anyone who wants to do up their home with chic modular interiors.

How Was Your Experience?

In one word – AMAZING! I mean, buying home interiors (not décor, mind you) online! Are you serious?! Bring it on!

What Can One Expect?

Expect a wide assortment of complete home interiors that’ll tempt you to remodel your home. Best part is that they work within all budgets and give you exactly what you’re looking for! A wide assortment of partners makes your search for that perfect interior pretty easy. You can choose between partners and hey, they also give you the freedom to switch partners in-process if you’re not happy with the one assigned! I absolutely can’t get over the beautiful interiors!


Happy Hippie. Addictive Traveller. Dog Lover. Cat Hater. Procrastinator. Drunk on Rumi.