Scale Walls, Do Mid-Air Flips And Turn Daredevil With Parkour Classes at Chaos Faktory

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Hop onto the Parkour wagon at Chaos Faktory for some intense free running and stunts. It’s tough but you’ll love pushing boundaries.

Parkour, What?

Always wanted to be like Spiderman and jump across buildings? Well, here’s how you can, and minus the bite from a poisonous creature! Originally a French concept, it’s not quite your run-of-the-mill sport, because it crosses over into the obstacle course and military non-combat training territory. But that shouldn’t stop you from taking on the challenge and Chaos Faktory Academy, founded by Chetan D’souza will be your safety net, literally. In fact, these guys are the first team from India to get affiliated to WFPF – World Freerunning Parkour Federation. So you’re in good hands.

Scaling Walls

Like most people, D’Souza too was influenced by District 13, a film starring David Belle who is considered the pioneer of parkour. So after plenty of trials, errors, bumps and bruises, Chaos Faktory came about. Once you sign up, you’ll be slotted into a level. So if you’re completely new to this, you really have a lot of training ahead of you because as freestyle as the entire sport looks, the intensity and strength you need is phenomenal. Trust us, we tried. Imagine being a human flag. It requires you to be horizontal, mid-air holding onto a pole, for a good few minutes. Go figure!

Add Some Bounce

Bouncing off hard surfaces, running up walls, scaling buildings a la Ezio from Assassin’s Creed, and just antics that are fit to be in the Olympics is what these guys are all about. We love that they integrate all levels of skill sometimes so you really feel like you’re part of the crew. That said, don’t expect to be bouncing off tyres onto balconies instantly. Low-impact training in their gym is top priority so you have control over your body. You really need to understand how much you can push, so go slow and build strength and core before setting sights on acrobatics. Flips and twists will follow in good time, so be a bit patient.

Price: INR 1,400 per month for eight sessions.

Find them on Facebook here.


Part-time writer and full-time dreamer. If you love coffee, travel, books, hikes and hot chips, we'll get along just fine!