Missing Your Native Food? Check This Place Out

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What Makes It Awesome?

Go Native: A very unique noble concept where the place aims serving food thats not so fancy but defenitely satisfying

Loved the following things which i had tried on a noon for lunch
* Ragi sangathi : 3 ragi balls perectly served with 4 variants of curry with side along with it, very authentic as its made in village

* Ragi dosa : Aint it awesome to have dosa which is having nutrition and also tasty at the same time loved the red chutney served along with this

* Burger sliders : Thalepeeth with pineapple and apple mixture and tikki on top well thats again healthy and yummy
Soups served :Tomato and mushroom were two things that was given in small portions and this will surely make u lick till the last drop of the bowl well i really liked it

Desserts :
Pannacotta with jamoon : so there is a surprise when u actually see inside your pannacotta a jamoon placed

Mysore pak with cheesecake:Never had anything much yummier and perfect maysore pak than this

How Much Did It Cost?

₹1,000 - ₹3,000

Best To Go With?

Big Group, Family, Bae, Kids

Boss lady by day 😎 Modern wifey 😊 Restless always love to travel and keep moving around 😊