Colors – 2017 Holi Carnival Splash Out At The Chancery Pavilion

The information in this post might be outdated

With renowned DJs and celebrity Bollywood DJs like Paul Thomas and Ivan, Chancery Pavilion brings you a pool party, dhol to add to the drama, and free food and beverages! Expect 10-hours of non-stop music and food, who can say no to that? To make it even better all guests have complete pool access! Jump in.

When: Sunday, March 12 to Monday, March 13

Price: INR 1,000

Timings: 10am – 10pm


An obsessive dreamer, vegetarian foodie and shy singer, Namya spends her time immersed in the world of Literature and Music. She is also quite enthusiastically emotional and is almost always the annoying woman who cries at some point or the other during every movie.