Pop, Lock, And Drop It Like It's Low At This Hip-Hop Workshop At The Bohemian House

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Hip Hop Dance Workshop At The Bohemian House

What's Happening

We've all thought we could throw some sick Hip-Hop moves while singing along to Apna Time Aega, or the entire discography of 8-Mile.  Obviously, there's no way to know how good (or bad) your coordination is without trying to dance first! Gagan Somaiah will take you through the basics of the dance form and teach you the basics of hip-hop. Of course, you wont be Tyler Gage, or Moose level from Step Up , but the dance studio in The Bohemian House will sure make you feel that way over the one hour workshop, and who knows, you might unlock your potential in the subsequent classes, should you sign up for the regular classes at the workshop. We are signing up because it's high time we realised that standing and just waving our hands like we don't care isn't dancing. And there will be snacks at the end! Hurry, because they only have limited slots for the workshop.

How's The Venue

The workshop will be conducted at the dance studio in The Bohemian House. 

Make A Note

The workshop is free but requires RSVP. Those who sign up for the workshop will be able to sign up for regular classes at discounted rates. 

Registrations are currently closed.


Entry is absolutely FREE

An Instagram-addict who’s also an aspiring chef, a foodie, and a comic book geek who binge watches The Simpsons every week.