Domestic Flights Will Resume Monday, May 25 Says Union Minister Of Civil Aviation

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According to Hardeep Singh Puri, Union Minister of Civil Aviation, "domestic civil aviation operations will recommence in a calibrated manner from Monday 25th May 2020". This is his latest Tweet as on Wednesday, May 20. While the official circular is yet to go out, all airports and carriers have been informed that they must be ready for all operations by May 25. Standard Operating Procedures will be shared by the ministry soon too, and this will have to be strictly adhered to by all passengers. Additionally, airlines and airports have been given strict mandates to ensure safety of all passengers, crew and ground staff.

Thus far, airlines have been instructed to leave the middle seat empty, masks mandatory and fewer flights to be scheduled. Pilots too will be screened for proficiency, and according to a circular, they will all have to bee instrument flying requirements, gauged by simulator tests, before operating aircraft.

Read the whole post on NDTV here.


While this is the current announcement, please check all relevant information before making an informed choice. And if you don't NEED to travel, then stay home and stay safe. 


Part-time writer and full-time dreamer. If you love coffee, travel, books, hikes and hot chips, we'll get along just fine!