Learn How To Make Cafe-Style Coffee With Democratic Coffee

The information in this post might be outdated

Democratic Coffee X LBB 3 Easy Coffee Recipes

What's Happening?

All great things start with coffee and believe the adage, we do! There’s no better way we’d resume our events segment than with coffee! Here’s a workshop for all you coffee lovers that will enable you to make cafe-style coffee at home with simple home instruments and ingredients! No fancy or exorbitantly priced French press or pour over or even a filter required here as the good peeps at Democratic Coffee explain three easy and tasty coffee recipes that you can relish at home without ever missing your favourite cafe! All you have to do is keep the following materials ready and you’re good to go. The workshop will be conducted on August 15, Sunday on Zoom at 4PM. Plus, we could not resist having Democratic Coffee on Independence Day! Come on, you get it right?

How’s the venue?

The workshop will be conducted via Zoom.

Make a note

You will be needing the following ingredients and materials to make coffee as we go along. Don't stress if you don't have all the material.

Channi (Strainer)

Normal Water



Milk (hot and cold)

Ground Coffee


Empty Glasses

Hot Water


Portabe Drip Filter Coffee

Table Spoon


Entry is absolutely FREE