Eden Park

18 Interested |

Just a hop, skip, and jump away from Cunningham Road, this is an old Bangalore favourite. Office-goers from around here come here for booze and a bite after a long day at work. We, however, recommend you skip the drinks if you are on a tight budget. Instead, stick to a serving of their spicy Gongura Kodi {Chicken} biryani and their Chicken Fry and be on your way. TheirTeluginti Bhojanam {thali}, that comes with puris, an assortment of vegetables, rice, and curries, is also worth your money.


Navya considers herself to be the Cassandra of the 21st century – no one ever listens to the wisdom that she so willingly imparts. This is the only Greek tragedy element in her otherwise happy life. She’s got her Husband Charming, has perfected the art of sarcasm, is always fed copious amounts of good food, and is well on her way to self-actualization.