Fabelle - A Perfect Place For my Chocolate Cravings

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What Makes It Awesome?

Did you ever wonder why there are so many places that make chocolate and sell at exorbitant prices? Ever felt the so-called Luxurious Chocolates are overpriced? Well, my recent visit to Fabelle did provide me with some insights to answer these questions. The answers are very well detailed out in their menu. Don't believe it? Find out when you read the descriptions below of some the delicacies we tried that this place has to offer.

As their tag line goes "The Chocolate Boutique", Fabelle offers premium chocolates, desserts and beverages that are a culmination of some magnificent ingredients and exotic flavours that blend well together to take you into a sinful journey. Some of the desserts are full of drama, creating such a theatre experience.

Chocolate Flower: Mousse of single origin St. Dominique 70percent dark chocolate enriched with Turkish pistachio cream, balanced with raspberry confit, in a dramatic setting of a chocolate flower, set to unfold on the table

Eclair Venezuela: Eclair of single origin 72percent Venezuela Chocolate, augmented with rich caramel notes of dulce cream and gold Pepin

Milk Cocoa: Pistachio and almond nougat chunks in rich reassuring hot chocolate

Well as you can see from these descriptions, the Cocoa that goes into making these heavenly desserts are imported from some of the world's best production centres like Ghana, Venezuela, Madagascar and St. Dominique to name a few. The desserts include exotic ingredients such as (but not limited to) Turkish Pistachio Cream, Dulce Cream, Gold Pepin, Nougat, Swiss Hazelnuts, Madagascar Vanilla pods.

I would totally recommend this place to people who don't mind spending their pennies for a splendid lush experience.

How Much Did It Cost?

₹1,000 - ₹3,000

Best To Go With?

Family, Big Group, Bae, Kids.

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