Coffee Fit For The Gods: This Brand Has Brews, Grinds For A Beverage That Binds

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What Makes It Awesome

When you have that satisfying cup of coffee early in the morning, you know the ball has been rolled for a good day ahead. What goes behind making the coffee so awesome often remains obscured. However, this is not the case when Blue Tokai exists. We are talking about niche coffee producers in the market that source, roast and sell some of the finest coffee in the country. Blue Tokai has coffees of various flavour notes, grinds and roast levels to make sure you know what you’re buying. They have as many as 22 coffee estates dotted across India, each of varying altitudes and climates that produce green beans of distinct flavours.

We highly suggest their Attikan Estate’s Arabica Coffee. Sourced from Karnataka’s Biligiri Hills, this is a medium-dark roast that is sweet, comes with fruity overtones and a balanced acidity. Highly recommended for espresso lovers, you will taste notes of dark chocolate, figs and roasted almonds. For a lighter roast, try the brand’s Howdia Estate coffee that has notes of orange blossom, black tea and honey. This has a honey-like finish and is best enjoyed as a pour-over or AeroPress. Now if you want something on the darker side, go for the Dhak Blend, sourced from Chikamagluru in Karnataka. Dark Chocolate and Jam is what you will get as the sip doesn’t leave your mouth with the roast’s smooth cocoa aftertaste. This goes well with milk and we suggest this for moka pots or espresso based drinks.

Price: Around INR 450 for 250g.


If you are new to coffee, you can check out their website for enlightenment on how to brew coffee, the kinds of coffee and the right one to pick!


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