Bold Enough To Go Bouldering? Book A Session With This Group

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What Makes It Awesome

Have you met or heard of this group of people that are obsessed with rock climbing? Book yourself a session for an hour {or the whole day} and try your hand at bouldering. All this fun for less than INR 500.

"We love being outdoors. Where people see rocks, we see puzzles. It is this obsession that we wanted to share with people. It's the same with anything that you love, you wonder how more people don't know about it. And then you want to take steps to 'fix' that. That was the germ of the idea. Get climbing out into the world so that more people can experience the wonder that we do." This is the thought behind the project that not only aims at getting us out and about but also helps us protect our outdoors. They believe that it's important for people to be actively invested in the outdoors if they want to protect it. And lo and behold, a fun new adventure for the weekend was born.

They also want to build a community centred climbing gear and equipment repository. Since climbing gear is very expensive and not everyone can afford it, through this project they want to raise funds and buy gear for the wider use of everyone. They also help set up more climbing routes outdoors. And guess what? Their passion ends up being their USP.

Check out their Instagram page here: {@climbingbangalore} for more updates and who knows, you might want to give this environment-friendly workout a try.

What Could Be Better?

Awaiting a website where it'd get easier to book sessions.

How Much Did It Cost?

Under INR 500

Best To Go With?

Family, Big Group, and Kids.

Fitness blogger, freelance content writer, brand consultant, digital nomad among other things. Major general noob. In search of culinary nirvana. I love pretty things ❤