Got A Doggo? Get All Your Vet Queries Answered Instantly On This App!

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Having a goofball at home is one of the best experiences you can ever have! But the idea of having limited to no access to good vet advice for my doggo is quite unnerving!

"Why don't you ask Facebook groups" you say?

For the same reason that you don't ask an architect for medical advice. Or a Doctor for architectural advice.

As well meaning as they may be, I'd rather put my faith in someone qualified, licensed and with the right experience for the right job!

WagStays is a company that lets you consult with licensed vets online either via video calls or via chat. It's quite simple to use and you get the entire diagnosis or medical advice right in the app itself as a pdf. And it gets stored against your pet's profile along with all other medical records. Near right?

It doesn't matter where you live in India as long as you have an internet connection on your phone, you can connect with a vet within a few minutes.

I had a really good experience with one of their vets and thought it might be useful for the LBB community here as well!