Raise A Glass To Those You Miss & Get A Chance To Win An Exciting Jameson Hamper

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What Is It?

Undoubtedly 2020 was the Monday of all years and the one thing that kept us going were the endless Zoom parties, virtual drink nights and laughing out loud with our best buds! And Jameson is here to not only to up your festivities but also to help you end your year on a rather grander note with their exciting contest!! So if you’re someone who loves their glass of whiskey a little too much and miss mixing it up with your pals, here’s your chance to win a grand Jameson Hamper to start with! You better bring out those glasses.

Why Should I Take Part?

If you’ve been missing your favourite Irish whiskey and are of the belief that there’s nothing a glass of Jameson can’t solve, trust us this contest is FOR YOU! Be it an after office party or a casual hangout with friends, there’s one thing that you’ll always find there - a gorgeous bottle of Jameson! About time you bring your glasses out, call your drinking buddy up and let em’ know that you’re #AlwaysIntoMixin! Time to bring this awesome hamper home honey!

Awesome, How Do I Participate?

All you have to do is register and tell us how you like your glass of whiskey with your favourite buddy. So let nostalgia hit you and let us know your favourite concoction! 

A party is only complete with a glass of whiskey and your buddy, so we’re glad to say we’ve got the whiskey part covered.

Don't just wait there, REGISTER NOW


Glass- half empty, always. Books, coffee, ceramics, skin care are a few of my obsessions. 🦋