Personal Trainers who will come home to keep you in shape

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Want to get fit but don’t really have the time to trek to a studio or gym? Don’t you worry. These three gents and ladies in shining armor will help you reach your health goals, and you won’t need to move out of your home! All you need is the grit, a work out mat, or a swimming pool if you want to learn in the water, and you’re sorted.


Young, sprightly and with an infectious positive spirit Vasuda Giri is the founder of Yoga Bhoomi. And the best part is that she comes home to you so don’t spend the time travelling to her class. Focussing on Hatha, Ashtanga and Power yoga, she also takes therapy yoga classes for people with medical conditions.

Where: At your home, of course.

Price: INR750 per session


Find Yoga Bhoomi on Facebook here.

Dance Aerobics

A dancer and choreographer, Jeevitha Vishwanath sure has the moves, and she’s happy to share her talent! Whether you’ve already got the rhythm or she needs to start from scratch, her enthusiasm for music and dance will get you grooving in no time.

Where: Your home, apartment block or a clubhouse

Price: Personal classes are INR 5,000 for eight sessions and group classes are INR 1,600.

Contact: or 9901118855

Aqua Aerobics

Going by the name of John, this swimmer and water aerobics trainer will turn you into a water baby overnight. Holding both group sessions, as well as one on ones, you’ll get fit in no time, at that too in the comfort of a cool pool.

Where: Apartment complexes or homes with a pool

Price: INR 1,600 a class

Contact: 9886327535

Know any other personal trainers who’ll come home? Leave us a message and we’ll add them onto the list.


Part-time writer and full-time dreamer. If you love coffee, travel, books, hikes and hot chips, we'll get along just fine!