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If you are looking for great deals while buying furniture, then check out Housefull. They give out huge discounts from time to time on their entire range that makes furniture shopping budget-friendly. For example, you can snap up a sizeable chest of drawers for a little more than INR 5,000. Or a comfy rocking chair for less than INR 8,000. While most of their offerings are plywood and pretty basic looking, they will work perfectly if you are looking for temporary pieces that will last you a few years before you upgrade.


Navya considers herself to be the Cassandra of the 21st century – no one ever listens to the wisdom that she so willingly imparts. This is the only Greek tragedy element in her otherwise happy life. She’s got her Husband Charming, has perfected the art of sarcasm, is always fed copious amounts of good food, and is well on her way to self-actualization.