Gift Cards To PPE Kits: Get Actively Involved In Helping During The Pandemic

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We are smack in the middle of a pandemic the likes that most people have never seen in their lives! Dealing with it has been a step-by-step process, and it would seem every effort seems to count. Donating and mobilising funds for equipment, food, basic supplies, and monetary compensations seems to be the least we can do. Should you want to do more, in a way that’s safe, effective, and impactful, here are some other efforts you can contribute to.

LBB Gift Cards & Vouchers

Shop Gift Cards & Vouchers from LBB to support your favourite local stores, bookshops, restaurants, cafes, brands & more. Partnering with several amazing local brands, we're selling gift card or voucher worth INR 100, INR 500, INR 1,000 and INR 2,000 that patrons can buy NOW, and redeem later. Of course, 100% of the proceeds go directly to the brands. So support your favourite brands, bar, salon or store by buying a voucher here. If you’re a brand or local business, sign up for vouchers here


Since getting groceries and basic necessities is the biggest challenge at the moment, it would surely help if we knew which stores are still open. Covid Maps, a volunteer-led initiative by good Samaritans in Canada and India will help. Crowdsourcing knowledge of what’s currently open and functional, contribute to it if you know of a store nearby that is still open. You can even add notes, like “fresh stock daily”, “only three people allowed at a time”, as well as exact operational timings. 

H.O.P.E. For The Frontline Workers

While we're all taking precautions, and stay home, to stay safe, doctors, nurses and other frontline workers don't have this luxury, making them most vulnerable. This is your chance to be the hero to our daily heros by giving them hope, through H.O.P.E. a collaboration between Round Table India Trust and a few Bangalore-based enterprises. Named H.O.P.E which is Heroes Of Planet Earth, the money raised through this fundraising is to equip the frontline workers including doctors, nurses, police, firefighters and waste management workers. The PPE kits will comprise coverall, face shields, shoe covers, nitrile gloves, Kn95 masks, hairnets, PE aprons, and a biohazard disposable bag. So, go ahead, and give as generously as you like. After all, anything is something. 

Hire Or Get Hired

Skillr, a skill-based recruitment platform, has created a hiring status tracker of Indian companies that are currently looking to hire. This means, not only can you as a company find resources, but if you’re looking to find work, then this is where you should look. There are already 450 companies with open positions, so if you are on the lookout, look here! And companies, this is also time to help those looking for a new start, so make sure you let these folks know if there are opportunities at your organisation by filling this form

Join Restaurants To Feed Someone In Need

The National Restaurant Association of India (NRAI) in collaboration with the Government has started a programme to feed those in need. What we particularly love about this one is that you can contribute in Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Kolkata. Restaurants in each of these cities, even if they are not functioning for commercial purposes, have turned into places to prepare food for those in need, and have taken up delivering the food where it’s most essential. A lot of these restaurants are also branching into their own good deeds, so make sure you check your restaurants for how you can directly help too.

Educate In The Vernacular

Want to wade through all the sensational, slightly exaggerated pieces of COVID-19, and healthcare related information and explain the best course of action (from what to do if you have symptoms, to what the symptoms are) in a language that the people around you understand? Noora Health has regularly updated information in line with World Health Organization (WHO), Ministry of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). Available in engaging formats like audio, video, and tiles (like posters), they all highlight best practices in 8 Major Indian languagues, and are all free to download and share. You can do this in your community(online too), workplace, or in your personal circles. 


Part-time writer and full-time dreamer. If you love coffee, travel, books, hikes and hot chips, we'll get along just fine!