Yum Chocolate Milkshake At This Small Shack

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What Makes It Awesome?

When in Sheshadripuram, one cannot miss this amazing Chocolate Milkshake at this small place called Lakshmi Juice Center.

In the dire of summer, one longs for a cold beverage. Here is where you can end the quench for thirst. Chocolate whipped with Milk, Sprinkled with Cocoa Powder, Topped with Chocolate Chips just for Rs. 60 or lesser than a Dollar. You also get a Pista Milkshake for the same price and other fresh fruit juices.

How Much Did It Cost?

Under ₹500

Best To Go With?

Family, Big Group, Bae, Kids

Not the Ghatotkatcha from Mahabharata, but a Foodie from Bengaluru who loves to explore www.instagram.com/ghatotkatcha