Bring Your Tiny Tot To These Activity Sessions Where Learning Is Fun

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What Makes It Awesome

Calling all mothers with children who are toddlers, Jumoke is a company that conducts interactive sessions for mothers and kids. Enjoy some quality time with your tiny tot as they pick up language skills, motor skills and sensory development as well. Through activities that make learning fun, join them as they sing fun rhymes like I’m Going To The Zoo, the children are taught what each animal looks like through figurines. Social skills are important for children to pick up and what better way to do it than to play with other children, learn to share toys and make new friends. 

If you’re a working mother, this is a great way to make sure you are involved in your little one’s life as most of these events happen over weekends. Arta and crafts, smiley sticker activities and mastering the art of balancing are all fun activities that happen here. Jumoke doesn’t have a space of their own and usually conduct events at The Popsicle Studio and our beloved Happy Belly Bakes. Follow their social media to know when they are hosting their next session!


In case of a birthday party, you can request the folks at Jumoke to conduct a small activity session for all the tiny tots and mothers who come to attend it!