Laptop Clinic

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Spilt water on your laptop? Or dropped it accidentally? From fixing faulty power units to replacing cracked screens, these guys are good at fixing up your laptop in a jiffy. Yes, they do same day delivery in case the damage is not that extensive as well. For repairs that require hardware replacement and such, these guys call you up and tell you before going ahead with the repairs. The service charges and repair charges are quite on the pocket-friendly side when you compare it with authorised service centre charges.

While we have mentioned that these are not authorised service centres, we’d also like to mention that these places are recommended for the quick service period and charges. LBB does not vouch for the authenticity of the hardware or software used by the said centres.


An Instagram-addict who’s also an aspiring chef, a foodie, and a comic book geek who binge watches The Simpsons every week.