LBB Open House: Suchita Salwan In Conversation With Nidhi Hola, Director, Partner Marketing At Microsoft

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What Makes It Awesome

At the LBB Open House session Suchita Salwan, co-founder of LBB talks to co-founders, CXOs and experts behind India's most-loved and largest brands and operators. From how to set up your sales team, to the future of marketing for AlcoBev brands, to distribution and location as a moat, there is plenty to learn, and understand from the best in the game. 

For this episode, Suchita chats to Nidhi Hola, Director, Partner Marketing at Microsoft. With over 20 years of experience in the Marketing and Communications industry, this episode will help you understood the psyche of consumers and how to effectively drive consumer engagement, thanks to the wealth of knowledge Nidhi has. She is also the force behind making India the largest consumer base for GoDaddy (outside the US), so watch the session for everything from how to build a rock solid Go To Market strategy and aligning marketing with business goals.


works at Little Black Book/LBB. Coffee, wine, running, my doggos Oliver and Bella, non-fiction, udon noodles, salmon, stationery and Dave Chappelle ar