Sneak In A Lil Goodness: Snacks The Kiddos Will Gobble Up!

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Lil Goodness

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What Makes It Awesome

If you're a parent you're all too familiar with those hunger pangs that take over the kids in between meal times and we know that you're always looking for a win-win when it comes to snacks. When we say win-win, we mean nutrition for your peace of mind and taste for theirs! Bringing the two together is Lil Goodness, a healthy snack brand that's putting the good in the lil ones. 

Since Lil Goodness is co-founded by parents you can freely trust the snack choices they have in store. There's quite a few, so picky kids you can't do your thing anymore! We're talking about Multigrain Crackers in flavours of beetroot, spinach, carrot and child approved cheese. These are baked, not fried, have zero preserves or trans fats, and are made with real veggies and cheese. So we're saying, buy a bunch and make these an alternative to potato chips, nachos or other traditional snacks. 

For something more substantially good they have three flavoured Oats Porridge, a strawberry, jaggery banana and caramel banana. Made with real fruit, milk and rolled oats each pack comes up to 100 calories. It is ready to eat on the go, no need to chill or heat. We also love the environment friendly packaging and the serving sizes. You can buy the crackers in 30gm packs of four for just INR 140. Each 30gm pack is just enough to satiate the hunger without leaving the kids full and lazy.


Lil Goodness is selling on LBB, woohoo! FYI, just because they're a kids brand does not mean us adults cannot munch on these treats too!


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