This Halloween Watch The Conjuring And Carve Pumpkins At This Open-Air Movie Experience

The information in this post might be outdated

What's Happening

Horror movies, pumpkin carving and Halloween costumes -- it's the Halloween edition of open-air movie screening by Lost The Plot. The Graveyard Shift will feature two back-to-back spooky movies -- The Conjuring and an audience choice (Oculus, Lights Out, or Don’t Breathe). We don't know about you, but we are already getting our 'stumes (as Charles Boyle of Brooklyn Nine-Nine would put it) ready for this! Our carving skills are bad, so we'll just cheer the folks who'll be carving their jack-o'-lanterns that day! 

How's The Venue

The open-air space at The Farm House Bar & Grill will be turned into a graveyard garden complete with themed decor props all around! 

Make A Note

If you are good with or think you can carve a pumpkin like a pro, the go ahead and sign up for the pumpkin carving session on the Facebook page. There are only limited spots available. 


An Instagram-addict who’s also an aspiring chef, a foodie, and a comic book geek who binge watches The Simpsons every week.