Karaoke & A DJ Session At The MAD Wave Fundraiser Party This Weekend

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What Is It?

We've already told you about Nanomads, the city-based trio currently participating in the Mongol Rally, that sees them drive across 13 countries {covering a stretch of 18,000 kms!} for charity. Going that extra mile to support them, the folks at Make A Difference {MAD, an organisation which mobilises young leaders to help children in shelter homes} and Opus Out Of The Box are putting together The MAD Wave - a launch party-cum-charity fundraiser of a different kind. Hint: there's karaoke and plenty of music on the cards!

Who Is It For?

Whether you're hoping to lend a helping hand {credit card number} or just sing your heart out, this one makes for a splendid plan. Add on Opus's lively ambience and pub grub, and you've got a Saturday night you can't say no to.

Why Should I Go For It?

Being MAD's charity fundraiser, all proceeds from tickets will go towards children in shelter homes. If you aren't familiar with the organisation or their Rally For Change event, there'll be a session that introduces you to it, complete with visuals and videos. When it's karaoke, courtesy KJ Josh, at Opus, it's bound to be fun, going by the rave reviews from regulars. All the more reason for you to gather your gang and head here. Then, go on and shake a leg as DJ Brandon takes over the console. Apart from a one-time donation booth, they also have a photo booth for you to get that perfect selfie. 

When: Saturday, August 13

Where: Opus Out Of The Box, 2, Graphite India Main Road, Whitefield

Price: INR 300 {food and drinks not included}

Timings: 7pm onwards

Contact: +91 9611510844

Buy tickets for the event here.

Find the event on Facebook here.

Feature Photo: Opus Out of The Box


Absolute bookworm, self-confessed chocoholic and daydreamer, Roshni enjoys bingeing on movies when she isn't lost in a novel or indulging her sweet tooth. Relatively new to the city, she loves its quirks and chaos just as much as its fun side.