Yay Or Nay: There's A New Momo In Town And This One Has Mangoes In It

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We love momos and in our quest to find out every kind of momo out there, we stumbled up on a new kind — mango momos.

It's Momgo Time

Yes, we are calling our find momgo {mango + momo}. And we found this innovation at Wow! Momos. And yes, we were wowed by the concept of combining two of our favourite things together. In our momo quest, we have come across ragi momos, chocolate momos, chilli cheese momos, tandoori momos, and even momos that you can have with seven sauces. But nothing quite captured our attention like this one. We are not sure what to make of it, for we can’t say that it’s a sacrilege nor can we say that it’s the greatest combination ever, but what we can say is, we tried it and we were pleasantly surprised that it tasted nice. It’s stuffed with a mango-flavoured kesari bath and topped with mango crush syrup and pieces of Alphonso mango pulp. Oh, and a bit squishy too it felt.

Well, while on your way to try these momgoes, why not read about the best places around the city to score some momos?


An Instagram-addict who’s also an aspiring chef, a foodie, and a comic book geek who binge watches The Simpsons every week.